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I have been Spring Cleaning in Autumn! My home is quite small and I just don’t have room to keep as much as I receive. Therefore, I have decided to pass on these blessings if you are interested. I have listed some second hand books that I either have multiple copies of or have failed to let you know I possess.  It might be wise to ask via email or phone if I still have the one you are interested in. I would need you to cover the cost of postage and make a small donation of any amount to Above Rubies. I will put the weight next to the book so you can determine the cost of postage. If you take several books it will change the postage. Anything over 500g -1kg becomes a small parcel. Over  one kilo increases the postage substantially.


1     Breast Feeding & Natural Child Spacing  1st Edition         Sheila Kippley                                                 Ecology of natural mothering                             151

1     A Life Already Stareted                                                                Dr Megan Best                                               Unplanned Pregnancy                                           207

2     No Greater Joy                                     (Vol 1)                              Michael & Debi Pearl                                    Training Articles & Answers to Q’s                      155

1     Anointed Handmaidens                                                             Delwyn McAlister                                           Acts 2:17-18                                                               196

1     Cursed                                                                                               Dr Mike Evans                                                God Blesses those who Bless Israel                   403

1     Does Birth Control Cause Abortions                                      Randy Alcorn                                                  What’s at Stake?                                                       163

47   Patriarch Magazine  ( for Men)                                                Editor Philip Lancaster                                SET   1-48      (sorry #46 is missing)                     156g each


Over 125g up to 250g … $1.97

Over 250g up to 500g… $3. 10

Parcels are determined by State and weight.


Contact: Val Stares


Phone: 07 5525 1970


Payments By Cheque/ Money Order:

AboveRubies Inc

PO Box 2798 Nerang

DC QLD 4211


Direct Deposit:

ABOVE RUBIES INC                                                                                                                                                        

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